Virginia beach Cosmetic and Neuromuscular Dentistry Blog - Dr. Michael Folck

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What are natural tooth whiteners?

Yellow or stained teeth can be caused by a variety of factors. Your discolored teeth may be due to drinking coffee, using tobacco, or enjoying your red wine with dinner. Virginia Beach dentist Dr. Michael Folck can help you find your brighter, whiter smile with professional teeth whitening products, but you can take some steps at home to naturally whiten your smile.
·         Eat strawberries: the natural astringent in strawberries will help remove surface stains and the vitamin C will help clear away plaque.
·         Eat apples: chewing on an apple or other crunchy fruit helps to remove leftover bits of food and bacteria from your teeth. Malic acid, used in commercial whitening products to dissolve stains, is also found in apples.
·         Eat raisins: raisins will stimulate saliva production to naturally wash out your mouth.
·         Eat cheese: some evidence that eating cheese at the end of a meal will promote enamel re-mineralization. Keeping milk and yogurt in your diet also provides calcium and phosphorus to help with re-mineralization of your enamel.
·         Chew gum: sugar-free gum that contains xylitol will promote saliva production after meals to naturally clean your mouth.
All of these are part of keeping a good healthy diet. Nothing works quite as well as letting the professionals whiten your teeth.
If you are interested in professional teeth whitening by a Virginia Beach dentist, please contact Dr. Michael Folck, DDS or call 877-206-3444 today to schedule your initial consultation.

posted by Admin at 9:59 PM


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