Virginia beach Cosmetic and Neuromuscular Dentistry Blog - Dr. Michael Folck

Monday, August 31, 2015

How Often Should I Get Zoom! Teeth Whitening?

A good number of the people who come to our Norfolk dentist offices to get a brighter, cleaner smile are not sure exactly what type of care they need. But if their teeth are stained and faded, they tend to appreciate the transformative powers of Zoom! whitening. An in-office procedure that typically lasts less than an hour, Zoom! can do wonders for the appearance of your teeth.
In fact, the procedure is so popular among some patients that they want to know how often they can get their teeth “touched up” with a second whitening procedure! In general, the effects of whitening will last for at least a year, but some people want it done more frequently—they love that next-day, blinding white look, and want to have it done for special occasions.
While white teeth are always a good thing, it’s not always advisable to get in-office whitening done more than once a year. An alternative solution is to supplement your in-office Zoom! whitening treatment with customized whitening trays you can take home and put in every night. It’s a great way to make the whitening treatment look even better and last longer!
Whitening will also last longer if you avoid:
·         Smoking
·         Chewing Tobacco
·         Red Wine
·         Soda and Sugary Drinks
·         Coffee
·         Dark Berries or Juices
To learn more about the teeth whitening process and its benefits, contact Dr. Michael Folck at our Norfolk Zoom! whitening offices by calling (877) 206-3444. We serve patients in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and the surrounding areas.

posted by Admin at 4:21 PM


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