Virginia beach Cosmetic and Neuromuscular Dentistry Blog - Dr. Michael Folck

Monday, October 26, 2015

What’s Causing Your Headaches?

If you suffer from frequent shooting pains in your head and neck, it’s natural to wonder what the cause of your headaches could be. While there could be a number of dietary or environmental factors that affect the frequency of your headaches, often undiagnosed medical conditions are to blame. One of the most common such conditions is temporomandibular disorder, or TMD.
TMD comes from a misalignment in the jaw. You may have TMD if:

  • You get frequent migraine headaches
  • You experience frequent bouts of neck pain
  • Your jaw clicks, pops, or feels misaligned
  • You grind your teeth in your sleep
  • Your teeth look more worn than they should
  • Your teeth start to loosen

If any of these happen to you, it could be that a visit to the dentist could solve your headache problem. People don’t often think of the dentist as a place for headache cures, but if the source of your pain seems to be TMD, Dr. Michael Folck can help you feel better with a variety of devices and dental procedures.
If you have been having trouble with frequent, painful migraine headaches and want to get some relief, schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael Folck today by calling (877) 206-3444. Dr. Folck serves patients in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and the surrounding communities.

posted by Admin at 4:19 PM


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