Virginia beach Cosmetic and Neuromuscular Dentistry Blog - Dr. Michael Folck

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Beware the Symptoms of Gum Disease

Have loved ones been commenting on your bad breath? Does it hurt to do everyday activities like chew gum or eat food? You could be experiencing the symptoms of early gum disease, which affects more than half of everyone in the United States. It's important that you educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of gum disease so you can prevent it from wreaking havoc on your dental health.

Gum disease in the early stages can:

·         Make your gums red and swollen
·         Give you intermittent-but-persistent bad breath
·         Create extra sensitivity in your gums
·         Make chewing food or gum painful

Anyone with any of the above symptoms would do well to visit a dentist. At the dental practice of Dr. Michael P. Folck, we can come up with a treatment plan to fight the infection, and will help you make necessary changes to your diet and dental habits. Working together, we can restore your dental health.

If you don't visit a dentist, you will begin to experience more severe symptoms:

·         Regular bleeding from your gums
·         Teeth that loosen and are sensitive to touch
·         Your teeth will seem to lengthen as your gums recede?
·         Gaps appearing between your teeth as they shift
·         Changes to your bite or tooth alignment

With the skill and experience Dr. Michael Folck brings to the table, you will have a chance at preventing these symptoms from happening to your teeth. To schedule your appointment with Dr. Folck today, contact our Norfolk dental office by calling (877) 206-3444.

posted by Admin at 4:46 PM


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