Virginia beach Cosmetic and Neuromuscular Dentistry Blog - Dr. Michael Folck
Monday, May 30, 2011
Are Braces Painful?
Prior to placing braces, spacers will need to be placed between your molars to provide a space for the brace anchors. Most patients agree that the discomfort associated with spacer placing is the worst part of braces. Even as the worst, this discomfort, in most cases, does not even require an over the counter pain reliever. Spacers are not required for wireless braces such as Invisalign.
Once your braces are in place, they will be gradually adjusted over the course of your treatment period. These adjustments are meant to gently move your teeth into their optimal position, not to force them into that position quickly. Some mild discomfort may be present for a day or two after each adjustment but this pain is minimal and does not usually require any sort of medication.
If you choose Invisalign, there may be some discomfort with each new set of aligner trays. Like metal braces adjustments, this is more of a discomfort than a pain, and generally subsides within one to two days.
If you experience serious pain with either braces or Invisalign, Dr. Folck will work with you to help you manage your pain.
If you live in or around Portsmouth, Norfolk, Hampton, Chesapeake, Newport News, or Virginia Beach, Virginia and are interested in learning more about how braces and Invisalign can help give you the smile of your dreams, please contact Michael P. Folck DDS to schedule an initial consultation.
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5:15 PM
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Is Invisalign Right for Me?
• Crowded teeth
• Gapped teeth
• Rotated teeth
• Malocclusions including overbite, underbite, and crossbite
While effective in treating these problems, Invisalign may not be ideally suited to every patient. Invisalign is effective in correcting some orthodontic problems, but more severe problems may require traditional wire and bracket braces.
Who Benefits Most from Invisalign?
Invisalign has become a popular alternative to braces for adults and older children who find the appearance of traditional braces unbecoming. Invisalign offers other advantages over braces such as making tasks like eating and cleaning your teeth easier as well.
The best way to determine candidacy for Invisalign is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Folck. Invisalign offers an ideal solution to many of our patients, but may not be right for you. If you are not an ideal candidate for Invisalign, Dr. Folck will discuss other orthodontic solutions with you. Everyone deserves a strong, straight smile. Dr. Folck will help you find the solution that will work best for your lifestyle and needs.
If you live in or around Portsmouth, Norfolk, Hampton, Chesapeake, Newport News, or Virginia Beach, Virginia and are interested in learning if Invisalign is right for you, please contact Michael P. Folck DDS to schedule an initial consultation.
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5:07 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sick of Your Denture Routine?
Dentures are a hassle. Not only do they need to be removed for proper cleaning, they can slip at inopportune times; interfering with speaking and chewing, and causing awkward situations. Moreover, missing teeth replaced with dentures do not provide additional support for your jaw. This means that over time, your dentures can actually cause your jaw to shrink, resulting in bite and alignment issues.
Alternatives to Dentures
Advancements in dentistry have brought about solutions for missing teeth that are functionally superior and more aesthetically pleasing than dentures. These new methods include:
• Dental bridges – a bridge made of porcelain crowns that provide a stable anchor for a false tooth. Using dental bridges, Dr. Folck can effectively replace several teeth at once and provide a seamless, functionally superior smile.
• Dental implants – artificial tooth roots made of titanium secured into your jaw that provide a base for a false tooth. Dental implants provide the most permanent and structurally sound option for tooth replacement. As an added benefit, dental implants strengthen your jaw and prevent deterioration of your jawbone.
If you have tired of your denture routine, now is the time to talk to Dr. Folck about tooth replacement options. Taking your needs into consideration, Dr. Folck can provide you with a stronger, more beautiful, hassle-free smile.
If you live in or around Portsmouth, Norfolk, Hampton, Chesapeake, Newport News, or Virginia Beach, Virginia and are looking for an alternative to dentures, please contact Michael P. Folck DDS to schedule an initial consultation.
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10:04 AM
Monday, May 9, 2011
Why is Bone Grafting Necessary?
• Age
• Prolonged denture use
• Periodontal disease
• Traumatic accidents
No matter what the cause, if you have insufficient bone structure to support an implant, Dr. Folck will need to perform a bone grafting procedure prior to placing your dental implant.
What is a Bone Graft?
A bone graft performed by harvesting bone from one area of your body to provide additional structure and support for another area. Bone can be grafted from your hip, leg, or ribs. Once harvested, this bone is used to strengthen your jaw, making it both wider and deeper.
Other methods of bone grafting include taking a graft from a donor or using an artificial graft. These methods enjoy a high success rate, but are not always as readily accepted by your body. Using your own bone is preferable because your body will recognize it and is much less likely to reject the graft.
Once your jawbone has been stabilized, Dr. Folck can place your dental implants with a substantially lower risk of implant failure.
Bone grafting is not always necessary for dental implants. Dr. Folck will work with you during your initial consultation to determine if a bone graft will be required for a successful implant in your case.
If you live in or around Portsmouth, Norfolk, Hampton, Chesapeake, Newport News, or Virginia Beach, Virginia and are considering a dental implant, please contact Michael P. Folck DDS to schedule an initial consultation.
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5:02 PM
Call or email us today to learn more about Dr. Folck, our office, and what we can do for you. Your first consultation is no-obligation so you've got nothing to lose, and plenty to gain!
Disclaimer: Virginia Beach dentist Dr. Michael Folck's website provides information on cosmetic dentistry in the Portsmouth, Norfolk
Hampton, Chesapeake, Newport and Virginia Beach areas in Virginia. This information is not to be taken as medical advice.
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