Virginia beach Cosmetic and Neuromuscular Dentistry Blog - Dr. Michael Folck

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

The cosmetic and practical advantages offered by Invisalign make it an orthodontic option you should definitely consider if you have mild to moderate spacing or misalignment issues with your teeth. The procedure is highly customizable, cosmetically superior to braces, and effective at straightening teeth. One question about Invisalign we hear frequently at our Norfolk practice is, "how long does the orthodontic process take for Invisalign patients?"

As with most orthodontic products, the answer varies greatly from patient to patient. How long Invisalign takes depends on the severity of your alignment issues, the speed with which your teeth respond to the treatment, and several other factors that Dr. Folck looks for in every examination. However, there are a few things you can do to minimize the treatment time required.

To keep your time wearing Invisalign trays as short as possible:

·         Make sure you wear the trays for 20-22 hours every day
·         Meet with your dentist regularly to check your progress
·         Clean your aligner trays daily
·         Brush and floss your teeth after meals before putting aligner trays back in
·         Let your dentist know immediately if you have any trouble with your aligner trays

If you want to learn more about Invisalign from an experienced cosmetic dentist who is dedicated to giving you the best possible results, you ought to talk to Dr. Michael Folck. Contact his office through this website or by calling (877) 206-3444 today. Dr. Folck serves patients in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and the surrounding areas.

posted by Admin at 2:00 PM 0 comments

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Benefits of Zoom! Teeth Whitening

If you are planning on getting a teeth whitening treatment for the first time, you may have noticed there are a few different in-office whitening products offered by many dentists. You may find it difficult to understand the differences between these products, or know which is the best value. At the Norfolk offices of Dr. Michael Folck, we only offer Zoom! Teeth Whitening, because we believe it is by far the best in-office whitening product.

Candidates for Zoom! Teeth Whitening:

·         Have all their adult teeth grown in
·         Do not have any untreated cavities or infections
·         Have a healthy amount of enamel on their teeth
·         Are not currently pregnant
·         Are willing to replace any fillings, crowns, implants, or other restorations that would create uneven whitening results

The Zoom! Teeth Whitening system uses three 15-minute applications of hydrogen peroxide to remove deep stains from your teeth, accelerating the process with the use of proprietary LED technology. This means you get a deep clean with dramatic results in a single 1-hour appointment.

You may have been putting off teeth whitening because you are afraid of the temporary increased tooth sensitivity that can occur. The Zoom! Whitening system can mitigate this effect with the ability to adjust the amount of hydrogen peroxide that goes into your treatment. Inform Dr. Folck before your procedure if you have a history of tooth sensitivity, and try temporarily switching to a toothpaste that contains potassium nitrate.

To ensure the best results in the quickest amount of time, get your Zoom! Tooth Whitening procedure done by Dr. Michael Folck! Our Norfolk cosmetic dentistry practice has a professional staff and an experienced cosmetic dentist in Dr. Folck. To set up an appointment, call (877) 206-3444 today. We serve patients in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and the surrounding communities.

posted by Admin at 1:20 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

In-Office or Take-Home Teeth Whitening?

When you are considering teeth whitening, one of the first questions you need to ask yourself is how you want to get your teeth whitened. At the Norfolk dental practice of Dr. Michael Folck, we offer two different whitening solutions: an in-office whitening session, and a series of take-home trays.

For our in-office professional teeth whitening, we use the Zoom! Tooth Whitening System to brighten your smile. The process offers the greatest possible improvement in the whiteness of your smile, and it takes less than 90 minutes from the moment you sit in the chair to the moment you get out. It's perfect for people who want the best results in the quickest amount of time.

If you want to spend a little less on your teeth whitening, or you simply need a more moderate whitening job, we offer professional take-home whitening trays from both NiteWhite and Zoom. These trays are customized to fit your teeth, and are much more powerful and effective than over-the-counter products. If you put the trays in every night before you go to sleep, you will see visible results within a few weeks, all for a very reasonable price!

If you are dissatisfied with your smile and you want to find out more about your whitening options, then you should set up an appointment with Dr. Michael Folck. Dr. Folck has been practicing dentistry in the Norfolk area for many years, and he can give you excellent whitening results that will be sure to turn heads!

To meet with Dr. Michael Folck at his Norfolk practice, give us a call at (877) 206-3444 or use the contact us page on our website.

posted by Admin at 1:58 PM 0 comments

Call or email us today to learn more about Dr. Folck, our office, and what we can do for you. Your first consultation is no-obligation so you've got nothing to lose, and plenty to gain!